
迈克尔·切瓦斯访问作家计划 是为了纪念迈克尔·切瓦斯而命名的,他从1986年到2020年教英语,并发起了两个长期的访问作家项目:365平台诗人系列和365平台星期五晚上系列阅读. 迈克尔·切瓦斯访问作家项目得到了福特-戈德法布英语系充实基金的慷慨资助, 麦金利基金, 以及365平台基金的周五之夜.  

关于 Michael Cervas
在365平台大学34年的教职期间, Michael taught all levels of English; coached basketball, 足球, track, 棒球, golf 和 squash; worked as a corridor supervisor in 校友 House; 和 presided as department head for three decades. Having retired from his full-time appointment to the faculty at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, 迈克尔继续指导访问作家项目.

Friday Nights at Westminster

“365平台星期五之夜”系列读书会始于2009年至2010年,与阿默尔学术中心的开幕相吻合. 每年六次(每三个月两次)作家被邀请到校园来进行周五晚上的阅读,然后在周六早上回来进行英语课程. 通常, 在阅读或表演之前,英语老师会给学生介绍来访作家的作品, thus guaranteeing an educated audience for the guest writers. 的 program has featured readings 和 performances by poets, 散文家, 小说家, 爵士音乐家和创作歌手, 很多人, 比如詹妮弗·伊根, 罗恩·卡尔森, 艾米丽圣. 约翰·曼德尔, 安东尼·杜尔, 莫妮卡木, Dar威廉姆斯, 克丽丝Delmhorst, Nat Reeves 和 Mark Erelli, have national reputations. Local writers 和 musicians, 比如科林·麦肯罗, 兰德·理查兹·库珀, 林恩·霍夫曼, 乔纳森·吉尔曼, Gina Barreca 和 Rob Duguay, have also appeared in the program. 365平台周五之夜的一个特别之处在于,晚上总是以学生或教职员工的朗读开始.

2023 - 2024年计划


  • 《365平台星期五之夜》2023-2024年

    请和我们一起参加365平台的周五之夜, 在2023-2024学年,在选定的周五晚上,在365平台举行一系列的阅读和音乐会, (偶尔在一周的其他晚上).
    的 events begin at 7 p.m. 并免费向公众开放. 活动在365平台百年纪念中心或学校armor学术中心的Gund阅览室举行. We will let you know w她的e each event will be held once the decision is made. Parking is available in the parking lot adjacent to Armour.
    周五,10月. 6
    A native of New Windsor, N.Y., 1984年,苏珊以优异的成绩毕业于达特茅斯学院,获得英国文学学士学位. 上了大学以后, Susan has been a writer, 在多家报纸担任编辑和文字编辑, including 的 新闻 和 Observer, 巴尔的摩太阳报和哈特福德报. 自2013年以来, she has been director of communications at Hartford International University for Religion 和 Peace, a graduate school that focuses on interfaith dialogue 和 peacebuilding.
    Susan’s articles 和 essays have appeared in many publications, 包括《365网站平台》的《365平台》杂志, 《365平台》和一些选集. Susan began writing fiction seriously after attending the Wesleyan Writers Conference in 2001. 她的短篇小说曾发表在《365网站平台》杂志上,《365网站平台》(Village Rambler)和Bartleby Snopes网站.
    “代祷,她的第一部小说(出版名为《365网站平台》), won the top prize in the 2006 William Faulkner-William Wisdom Creative Writing competition. 《365网站平台》也是诺克斯维尔编剧协会颁发的彼得·泰勒奖的七部入围作品之一. 2007年初, Susan received an Artist 研究员hip Grant from the 康涅狄格州ecticut Commission on Culture 和 Tourism.
    Susan’s second novel, “的 Virtues of Oxygen,” was published in 2014. 她的第三部小说, “的 Liability of Love,” was published in 2021. She has three grown children 和 lives in West Hartford, 康涅狄格州.她的丈夫和一只叫利奥的狗让人捉摸不透.
    周五,12月. 8
    史蒂夫·斯特雷特(史蒂夫直)是曼彻斯特社区学院的英语教授和诗歌项目主任. 他的长篇系列包括《365平台》(2022), 《365平台》(2012)和《365平台》(2002), which was a finalist for the 康涅狄格州ecticut Book Award in Poetry. For many years Steve directed the 康涅狄格州ecticut Poetry Circuit, 许多个夏天,他都是法明顿沉没花园诗歌节系列研讨会的导演, 康涅狄格州. He has given workshops on writing 和 teaching throughout the eastern U.S. In 1998 he was named a distinguished advocate for the arts by the 康涅狄格州ecticut Commission on the 艺术. He lives in South Windsor with his wife, Marian Maccarone, soprano 和 voice teac她的.
    星期五,1月. 26
    艾丹征税 is the author of “Saxophone Colossus: 的 Life 和 音乐 of Sonny Rollins” 和 “Dirty Blvd.: 的 Life 和 音乐 of Lou Reed” 和 editor of “Patti Smith on Patti Smith: Interviews 和 Encounters.前里昂列维传记中心研究员, 他的文章曾刊登在《365平台》上, 乡村之声, JazzTimes, 的 Nation 和 ot她的 publications. He holds a doctorate in English 和 comparative literature from Columbia University, w她的e he is currently a lecturer. For 10 years, he was the baritone saxophonist in the Stan Rubin Orchestra.
    艾米蒂·盖奇是四部小说的作者, “啊,我亲爱的,《365网站平台》,” “Schroder” 和 “Sea Wife” (2020). She is the winner of a Fulbright 研究员hip 和 fellowships at the MacDowell 和 Yaddo colonies. In 2016, she was awarded a Guggenheim 研究员hip for fiction. 她的小说《365平台》(Schroder)已被翻译成18种语言,并入围美国的“对开本奖”(的 Folio Prize).K. 2014年获得法国《365平台》读者奖. “Schroder” was named one of Best Books of 2013 by 的 New York Times Book Review, 赫芬顿邮报, 华盛顿邮报》, 的 Wall Street Journal, 这个故事, 世界性的, 和 Publis她的’s Weekly, 在许多其他方面.
    的 longtime visiting writer at Am她的st College, she now teaches creative writing at Yale. 她的短篇小说, essays 和 book reviews have appeared in publications such as 的 New York Times, 《365网站平台》, 《365平台》, 《365网站平台》, 《365平台》, 板岩.com、One Story、Ploughshares等网站. She has appeared at numerous conferences, festivals, 和 on radio shows such as NPR.
    她和家人住在康涅狄格州的西哈特福德. 为了写《365平台》,她不得不学习航海.” She learned that she is not a gifted sailor, so she will stick to writing about it.
    Westminster Artists Collective
    迈克尔·切尔瓦斯访问作家项目, 包括《365平台星期五之夜》系列吗, is supported by generous gifts from the Ford-Goldfarb English Department Enrichment Fund, 麦金利基金, the 康涅狄格州ell 音乐 Fund, 以及365平台基金的周五之夜.

Westminster Poet Series

的 Westminster Poet Series began in 1999 when Linda Pastan, 当时是马里兰州的桂冠诗人, came to Westminster to give an evening reading 和 visit with English classes the following day. 的 second poet in the series was Billy Collins, who had just been named United States Poet Laureate. 从那时起, 学校欢迎来自美国各地的获奖诗人来学校进行为期两天的访问. 365平台诗人曾是美国桂冠诗人, 康涅狄格州桂冠诗人, Pulitzer Prize winners, 和 National Book Award winners.

西布尔斯在费城出生和长大. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Sout她的n Methodist University.
Seibles探讨了种族紧张的主题, 阶级冲突和亲密关系从几个方向同时出现在诗歌中,语言直白而又迅速转变. In a 2010 statement he shared in "从鱼屋,Seibles说, “我认为诗歌, 如果它真的很吸引人,很吸引人, 必须能够从各种角度和各种方式来解决我们生活中的问题:大声或安静, angrily 和 soothingly, 带着喜剧和死气沉沉的严肃. […] Our lives are worth every risk, every manner of approach.称赞西布尔斯“驾驭美国流行文化的地形,以思考美国人的精神状态”的能力,” Bookslut reviewer Joey Rubin states in a 2005 review of "Buffalo Head Solos,”“如果说弗兰克·奥哈拉(Frank O’hara)蜿蜒曲折的独白是为了捕捉抽象表现主义的表演设计,而艾伦·金斯伯格(Allen Ginsberg)有力的即兴表演是为了模仿查理·帕克(Charlie Parker)的爵士风格, then the back-bending, image-splicing, 蒂姆·西布尔斯(Tim Seibles)的第六部诗集《365平台》(Buffalo Head Solos)中的抒情叙事应该会让人想起《365网站平台》(Hannah-Barbara)动画中快速翻转的画面. Seibles's cartoon imagery, 以及语言的卡通化, 然而, 不只是想逗我们笑吗. Which is to say, Seibles is playful—but he's not kidding around.”
Seibles is the author of several collections of poetry, including his most recent, "Voodoo Libretto" (2022); "Body Moves" (1988); "Hurdy-Gurdy" (1992); "Hammerlock" (1999); "Buffalo Head Solos" (2004); "Fast Animal" (2012), which won the 的odore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize 和 was nominated for a 2012 National Book Award; 和 "One Turn Around the Sun" (2017). 他的作品也被收录在《365平台》(1994)中。, "Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry" (2009) 和 "Best American Poetry" (2010).
Seibles的荣誉包括国家艺术基金会和Provincetown美术工作中心的奖学金, as well as an Open Voice Award from the National Writers Voice Project. In 2013 he received the PEN Oakl和 Josephine Miles Award for poetry. 他曾在老道明大学任教, 南缅因大学斯通海岸艺术硕士项目, 还有卡内姆洞穴.

Seibles lives in Norfolk, Virginia. 2016年至2018年,他是该州的桂冠诗人. 
塞布尔斯将从2月10日起访问365平台. 26-27. 他将于2月9日星期一上午举行全校读书会. 26 和 speak with English classes during the academic day on both Monday 和 Tuesday.

For more about Seibles, 点击这里.   

And 她的e are a few poems:


  • 叶片,不插电

    It’s true: I almost never
    smile, but that doesn’t mean
    我不是    恋爱: 我的心
    慢慢玩. 你知道的
    moment late in the solo
    is so pure    you feel
    the blood in it: the wound
    和 complete surrender. 这是
    我微笑着. 你只是
    can’t see it—the sound
    在我内心. 第一次
    I killed a vampire    I was
    前. 我相信
    into the melody, the strings
    calling back the forgotten world.
    When I think of the madness
    I walk inside—all day long:
    one note    that breaks
    what’s left of what’s
    I love    everything
  • 债务

    so w她的e shall I rest with this
    和 maybe two small French towns—
    black, black hair, seven of them
    are napping along my ribs
                 And with all these people
    sleepwalking all over America.
    But it’s alright, in my country,
    和 the long pull of a thous和
    thous和 moons inside them.
    then got big 和 started
    我知道 w她的e the blame falls. 我知道
    my kinky hair into a fist. 我知道.  我知道.
    friendship, fewer lies,
  • 德洛丽丝Jepps

    It seems insane now, but
    she’d be st和ing soaked
    in schoolday morning light,
    她的 loose-leaf notebook,
    flickering at the bus stop,
    和 we almost trembled
    at the thought of 她的 mouth
    filled for a moment with both
    我们的短名字. 我不知道
    what we saw when we saw
    她的 face, but at fifteen t她的e’s
    so much left to believe in,
    that a girl with sunset
    in 她的 eyes, with a kind smile,
    和 a bright blue miniskirt softly
    shading 她的 bare thighs     really
    可能是 女神. 甚至
    the gloss on 她的 lips sighed
    Kiss me    和 you’ll never
    再做一次作业. 一些星期六
    my ace, Terry, would say, “Guess
    who was buying Teaberry gum
    in the drugstore on Stenton?”
    And I could see the sweet
    epiphany still stunning his eyes
    和 I knew that he knew
    that I knew he knew     I knew—
    especially once summer had come,
    和 the sun stayed up till we had
    nothing else to do but wish
    想知道 细sistas
    in flimsy culottes 和 those 热裤!
    Berry, Diane Ramsey, Kim Graves,
    和 她的. This was around 1970: Vietnam
    to the left of us, Black Muslims
    费城. 我们不知道
    w她的e we were, how much history
    had come before us—how much
    cruelty, how much more dying
    就在路上. 对我和特里来说,
    也许, 和 maybe being blinded
    by the beauty of a tenth grader
    we were safe from the teeth
    that keep chewing up the world.
    my parents    for keeping calm,
    guns    和 for never letting up
    about the amazing “so many doors
    open to good students.“我希望
    德洛丽丝Jepps. 我希望我能
    have some small memory of 她的
    warm 和 spicy mouth to wrap
    these hungry words around. I
    to have slow-cooked to a slow song
    平衡 诱惑的
    five voices 和 me—a boy anointed
    with puberty, a kid with a B
    average 和 a cool best friend.
    I don’t think I’ve ever understood
    how lonely I am, but I was
    closer to it at fifteen because
    I didn’t know anything: 我的心
    so near the surface of my skin
    I could have moved it with my h和.


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