

Retiring English teacher Scott Stevens stood in the shade of the Commencement Tent on the morning of May 25 and surveyed the crowd of students, 家人和朋友聚集在365平台第136届毕业典礼上.
“这是一个永恒的时刻,”他说. “The cycle continues. We have another great group of Sixth Formers who have had the Westminster experience and are about to be launched. 为他们送行是我的荣幸,” said Stevens, 谁发表了今年的毕业典礼演讲.
The weather was idyllic. A cerulean blue sky greeted the 113 members of the Class of 2024 as they stepped onto Keyes Patio earlier that morning to receive their flower bouquets and corsages.
对于六年级学生来说,这是一个复杂的日子. “I’m feeling bittersweet, but I’m happy that it’s graduation, " said Robert Yalda, Head Prefect, 在库欣大厅外和他的兄弟们合影, Francis and Christian ’22.
During his year as Head Prefect, 他说,他学会了成为一个更好的领导者,让别人更可靠. “I am going to miss my classmates, and the faculty,” said Yalda, 今年秋天谁会去波士顿学院.
他的同学也表达了类似的感受. “我对即将到来的一切感到非常兴奋,” said Maya Tavares, 当她和同学们排队时. “我会想念山上的人和美丽的景色,”米娅·戴维斯补充道. “还有食堂的食物,”艾丽·赖克插话说.
典礼在毕业典礼帐篷开始, 校长伊莱恩·怀特对学生们和家长们表示欢迎, families, friends, trustees, 教职员工和同学们.  She asked the Class of 2024 to recognize the many people who have helped them reach this milestone in their lives with their guidance, love and support.
Salutatorian Robert Yalda
In his salutary address, Head Prefect Robert Yalda reflected on this year’s theme of “Engagement” by recalling his arrival on the Hill as a Fourth Former.
“刚来这里的时候,我很不确定,也很不舒服. 我不知道我是否会有朋友. 我不知道什么时候该说话,该加入什么团体,该去哪里. I felt so uncomfortable, but I sat in that discomfort and I engaged by finding avenues of where I could engage in clubs and activities,” he said.
In September, Yalda要求整个社区接受不适,而不是回避它. 他说:“在这一年里,每个人都实现了这个目标,但最重要的是2024届毕业生。.
2024届毕业生率先提出了促进包容性的倡议, 为重要事业组织资金募集, 并就紧迫问题进行了讨论, 哪些对社区产生了有意义的影响.
“Our journey as a class wasn’t just about individual achievements; it was about coming together to create positive change. 我们庆祝彼此的成功, 在挑战中相互支持,结下了一生的友谊,” he said.
“我们开始了下一段旅程, 虽然听起来很可怕, 我们与同伴建立的纽带将使我们保持联系,” Yalda said. “在不舒服的精神中做你感兴趣的事情. Life is inherently uncertain so take that leap of faith and embrace that discomfort before the opportunity is gone. I challenge the Class of 2024, 寻找不适,用勇气充实生活, grace, gratitude and compassion.”
Outstanding Scholar Johnathan Li
In his address, Johnathan Li reflected on the innately human apprehension of the future within the context of his personal life. “我们不习惯考虑结局,”他开始说. “When I was young, 一想到要离开某个地方或某样东西,我就吓呆了,” he said.
他回忆起暑假期间母亲让他打扫房间时,他和母亲发生了争执. 起初,他抗议说:“我认为保护历史很重要.” Eventually though he acquiesced, and in the process of cleaning, 他发现了一堆堆腐烂的笔记本, 污损的中学课本, 还有一堆纪念品,乱七八糟地堆在一起.
All these mementos of his past led to a surge of anxiety and the realization that he needed to step forward into a new stage of his life. At the same time, 他很生气,因为他要把过去抛在脑后, 关于失去熟悉的事物和他所珍视的一切.
He told his classmates that they, too, 必须面对他们必须前进的现实吗, 离开熟悉的事物,拥抱等待着他们的未来.
“Eventually, we will reach a day when we are able to look back upon today and to laugh at ourselves for being so apprehensive,” he said.
“We will want our future selves to dredge up the memories we have made here and remark upon the simplicity of our anxieties and to say jokingly to our present selves, ‘You’ve got nothing to worry about!’”
But to arrive there, he continued, “我们必须首先踏入广阔而永恒的未知领域. We must first confront the inevitable termination which accompanies standing at the frontier of life’s unfolding.
“For to be is to become,” he said. “我们可以根据自己最终希望回忆的方式来塑造未来.”

Stevens Scholarship Announced
斯科特·史蒂文斯于1983年来到365平台大学校园, to teach English, coach hockey and lacrosse, and live in the dormitory. 他对学校的奉献和承诺在他和他的妻子之后继续蓬勃发展, Amy, (他于2022年退休)结婚并开始了共同的生活. 他们在山上养大了三个孩子——07年的尼克、09年的艾比和12年的威尔. During his tenure, 在课堂之外,他还在现在的发展办公室担任发展主任. In addition to other duties, 他指导了几项运动,并于2015年组建了女子大学高尔夫球队.
“For 41 years, 斯科特以永恒的乐观精神为我们校园里所有人的生活带来了魔力, which graces his work,” said Head of School White.
可以说,在寄宿学校这个独特的世界里,我们永远不想让有些人“毕业”. 斯科特和艾米·史蒂文斯就是其中两个人,怀特在宣布将以史蒂文斯家族的名字命名的新奖学金之前说. 由前受托人Doug Londal和Kristin Londal于2024年成立, parents of Alex ’17, Nate ’19 and Chris ’21, 这项奖学金是为了表彰斯科特和艾米,并以他们的名字命名. It will be awarded to a deserving student who offers academic promise for the future and represents Westminster’s core values of character, community, balance and involvement.
主讲人:Scott Stevens P ' 07, ' 09, ' 12
史蒂文斯以描述1983年他来到国会山时校园的样子开始了他的演讲. 它的入口没有那么宏伟, 20世纪50年代风格的直观宿舍和, of course, 校园上空那座臭名昭著的黑水塔. Over the decades that followed, 国会山的生活和学习发生了翻天覆地的变化, too, 学生毕业时是否带着这些故事.
“If you arrived in the early 1980,  it was a time when you would have had to wear black ties and yellow ribbons 24/7 as part of a ritualized initiation, 每个人都卷起袖子去洗碗, a time when the student gradus 这份名单是公开发布的,其中包括两个不再存在的较低级别状态, Infernus and Imus显示哪些学生不及格. You would partake in Sixth Form Coffee after dinner with faculty to drink coffee and smoke cigarettes and pipes together and review the day. It was a different time to be sure.”
“You, the Class of 2024, 在大流行最严重的时候到达, 在你开始自己非凡而传奇的365平台生涯时,这是一种考验.
“Your journey began, as you know first-hand, 你自己进入365平台生活的痛苦仪式——尴尬, the restrictions, the isolation, the loneliness, the mental health struggles, the world of Zoom, 集体的不确定性和潜在的恐惧.”
在安德鲁斯纪念堂讲故事的统一传统. 教堂的演讲包括在大流行期间校园第一年的个人斗争.  “Nobody is born with grit, but the collective nature of the Class of 2024’s chapel reflections were inspiring to witness in their honesty, courage and wisdom,” he said.
他指出,365平台已经成为一个更加复杂的领导场所, teach, learn and grow. “可以接触到世界上几乎任何东西, our community is bombarded with weighty world topics to learn about and also to consider beyond the familiar curriculum. 这是一个不断挑战每个人的伦理、道德和情感生态的世界.  2024届毕业生展现出了惊人的好奇心, 对这些话题感兴趣,有时甚至感动.”
Despite those challenges, 教学的回报是一样的, 特别是在课堂上,他称之为“起飞”的时刻,当一切都很顺利的时候. As he described, “人们突然产生了共同的好奇心, 挑衅性问题和协作学习, one pulse in rhythm together. 一种独特的化学反应产生于共同的学生经历和对彼此坚定不移的尊重, teachers and students alike. Moments of wonder and bliss.”
 他说:“我希望2024届毕业生能享受到很多这样的时刻。.  “I know I have.”

Student Awards
The Butler Bowl awarded to a Third former who demonstrates the traits of character and leadership: Melody El-Amin Stewart
亚当斯碗颁给最能体现理查德和芭芭拉·亚当斯品质的第四名前总统, 谁为学校奉献了40多年的服务. 1995年至2011年,芭芭拉在该学院任职, 迪克从1970年到2013年在学院任职:汉娜·莫尔特比
威尔伯拉罕碗颁给最能体现杰弗里·威尔伯拉罕品质的第五前任, 谁在1958-1994年间为365平台做出了杰出的贡献:索菲·格蕾丝·彼得森
Richard K. LeBlond, II Honor Award given to a Sixth former who exemplifies dedication to academics and loyalty to the school: Kimi Weng
Paul Winship Alumni Book Prize awarded to the Sixth Former who has made an unusual commitment in breadth and depth to school programs and activities: Margee Mahoney and Taylor Schuster
Keyes Bowl, 被认为是学校最负盛名的毕业典礼奖, 出现了一位忠心耿耿的第六前任, courage, 领导力和谦逊:威尔斯·埃尔达
Faculty Prizes
The newly established 辛普森家庭教与学椅, 由桑迪和加里·辛普森P ' 24捐赠, 为未来的卓越教与学中心奠定基础. The chair recognizes a faculty member that supports the academic needs and growth of all students: Kelly Curtis, director of learning services.
The Swayze Prize is given to a member of the faculty for outstanding contributions to the life of the school: Andrea Thomas, associate director of admissions; co-director of student activities
The O’Brien Prize recognizes a faculty member who has been selfless and generous with time and care in the nurture and support of students: Kelly Wosleger, math teacher, coach, 地平线学院院长兼项目总监.
怀特校长和校董会主席雷纳·林奇·卡雷尔84届, P’19, ’21, presented diplomas. 然后,怀特向2024届毕业生表示祝贺,并给了他们同样的离别礼物, 就像她给过去毕业的Martlets一样.

“It’s called Saturday. 你在国会的一部分经历就是了解它的价值, 明年你就可以随心所欲地享受了. Use it well,” she said.
Following the ceremony, 毕业生们按照365平台的传统,在六年级草坪上颁发毕业证书. They formed a circle and passed the random diplomas they received during the commencement ceremony until they received their own diploma. 然后他们走出圆圈,标志着他们的毕业.
You can view and download photos here.
Watch a recording here.

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